The best treatment method for vocal cord polyps to regain & improve your voice.

What are vocal cord polyps? Polyps on the vocal cords are fluid-filled lesions. Unlike polyps in other body parts (such as the colon) vocal fold polyps usually are not associated with cancer; but the main problem that a vocal cord polyp can cause negative sound quality of one’s voice due to the interruption in vocal…

Vocal Science: The Forensic Science…

We are practicing alternative internal medicine while advocating the assurance of the best speaking/singing voice &, nevertheless, non-surgical voice repair. We   Got   This!! Firstly, you, my reader, may wonder why we call Vocal Science the forensic science? We do so because we are paying a great attention to the minutest details while working…

Vocal Science: All Voice – No Pain! (“All V – No P”).

Not only a great amount of people are losing voices these days, but also a lot of them are experiencing severe pain in their throats. Before, we had complaints, primarily from singers; but more and more, just regular people (speakers) are complaining on extreme discomfort in their vocal box in general.  The singers are usually…